What is a webniac? Hello hello, is this thing on? :) There are a few things that you should know up-front: Ember Ghost is designed to be a static site version of the amazing Ghost blogging platform...
Editing Posts with Ember Ghost Ember Ghost uses a language called Markdown to format text, and so does the original Ghost 🎉 The main difference between the hosted Ghost platform and Ember Ghost is that we just use files...
Organising your content with tags Ember Ghost has a single, powerful organisational taxonomy, called tags. It doesn't matter whether you want to call them categories, tags, boxes, or anything else. You can think of tags a lot...
Managing Ghost users Ember Ghost does not, and will never have the concept of user roles! This is because it is entirely a static system. You can assign authors to posts and generate new ones using...
Why Ember Ember is a powerful Javascript Framework that is designed to maximise developer productivity. Ember also has one of the best plugin experiences in the industry, which means you can get a whole lot...
Advanced Markdown tips There are lots of powerful things you can do with the Markdown If you've gotten pretty comfortable with all the basics of writing in Markdown, then you may enjoy some more advanced...
Setting up your own Ghost theme Ember Ghost currently only supports 2 themes, the default Casper template and the Attila template. If you want to swap between templates it is as simple as installing a different npm dependency 🎉 The...